A Review of the SEOPressor WordPress Plugin
We’ve said in the past that we don’t worry too much about getting the SEO just right on our sites. We used to spend hours on SEO in the past trying to get everything just perfect. We would make sure the main keywords were in the first paragraph twice and then at least once in every other paragraph and we would try and get as many other related keywords in the article as possible. Then we would spend even longer working on title tags, meta descriptions and so on to get them just perfect. But to be honest, when we gave up on all of that, we did so much better.
Now I know that a number of people will disagree with our philosopy on SEO but that’s okay. Everyone has their own opinion and if something works for you then by all means continue with it. We’re not here to convert people – we’re here to tell others what works for us and relaxing with on page optimization has worked for us.
But that’s not to say that SEO should be ignored completely. We still ensure our main keywords are on the page somewhere and in the title tag but we just don’t stress about it. We’d rather spend time focusing on getting the review written in a way that is helpful to our readers rather than spend too much time on optimizing the page to rank in Google. That’s why when we found the SEOPressor WordPress plugin we wondered at first whether we would really use it that much.
However, there were a few reasons why we decided to give this a go. First of all, this was pretty much a no-brainer for SEO – in other words even if you only know the very basics about SEO you will be able to use this plugin and for those of us who do know something about SEO it means that we don’t have to spend too much time thinking about it. We can spend a few minutes optimizing the page based on the suggestions the plugin provides and then move on. Secondly, this isn’t a plugin that just automatically optimizes your pages for you unless you ask it to – so you have full control on what changes you want to make. I didn’t want a plugin automatically making decisions for me and this plugin has worked out perfectly. And finally, you don’t need to use this plugin on every page or post on your site…you have the option to use it on one blog post or on every blog post…the choice is yours.
So in a nutshell we can optimize our pages without any real effort , leaving us more time to focus on what we think is the important stuff like writing quality reviews and getting backlinks.
One of the first sites we uploaded the SEOPressor plugin to was this blog. However, we haven’t really used it that much – maybe once or twice. This is because we aren’t promoting products on this blog in a big way plus our traffic on this blog is more viral and we don’t have to rely on a good Google ranking. So we integrated the plugin on our product blogs and that’s where it works really well. We can improve our on-page optimization without taking too much time out of our day and with complete control over how it’s done.
What Does the SEOPressor Plugin Do?
What this plugin does is analyze the content on your page and provide suggestions about what you need to do to improve it. So once installed you simply create a new post on your WordPress blog.
Directly underneath the post box is a section to add the main keyword you want to rank for. Once you’ve entered the keyword you can start typing in your blog post. When you’ve added a bit of content you just click SAVE DRAFT and then on the right hand sidebar of the page the SEOPressor plugin will kick in and display it’s ratings and suggestions.
Our Test of the SEOPressor Plugin
So to show you how this really works using a real life example I have used it on this blog post. I typed in the main keyword that I want to rank for which is ‘seopressor’. I then typed about half of my blog post and clicked Save Draft and this is what SEOPressor tells me at this point (see image).
The SEOPressor plugin provides an overall rating which in the case of this blog post is 48.89%. That’s not very good at this point. I need to improve on that but the only way I can improve on it is by making the suggestions listed below that. In this case it suggests improving my keyword density by including more of the keyword on the page, adding H1, H2 and H3 tags, adding an image so that I can add an ALT tag and it also recommends that I add the keyword ‘seopressor’ to the first sentence.
Now normally I’d probably choose not to do all of those things but that’s what I like about this…I can choose to optimize only what I want to optimize. But for the sake of this review I am going to implement all of the suggestions in the list to get the score close to 100% and the keyword density to an optimal level.
You can also edit the settings so that this plugin automatically italizes, bolds and underlines the main keyword throughout your post as well as throughout your blog. And you can also automate it so that it automatically adds the main keyword to your title tag. We’ve chosen to keep those options turned off.
So after making the changes this is what the SEOPressor plugin now tells me:
You can see that I have done a lot better with just a few simple changes. Basically I added a title at the start of the blog post using a H1 tag and I also added a H2 and H3 title in the post. My keyword density has also increased although for some that wouldn’t be enough – I might go back and see if I can add the keyword a couple more times without making it sound spammy but if not I am not going to worry about it. I also added a couple of images and the plugin has automatically added alt tags as I have designated the plugin do that in the settings.
I did notice some anomalies with this plugin. Notice how in the first image it tells me that I don’t have an internal link to other pages? Well I didn’t actually add an internal link and yet that option has disappeared in the second image. Perhaps it is because I made enough changes to get me to an optimal score so it isn’t required.
Will We Continue to Use this Plugin?
Yes, I think so. It’s simple and provides us with a quick and easy way to gauge the on page SEO on our pages and if we don’t want to use it on every page then we don’t have to. And it’s so great that the SEOPressor plugin is designed to work on PAGES as well as POSTS because we often use PAGES to create our product reviews.
Want More Info?
You can click the link below to get more info on this plugin. We particularly recommend taking a look at the video on that page because it quickly runs through the features better than we could ever explain them.
Click for more info on the SEOPressor Plugin here.
I have problem with to add H1,H2, H3 tag. When I try it…the sentence is getting separate. It just like after push the enter button.
Are you use another plugin to create that tags?
thanks :)
WordPress always seems to have problems with formatting. What I do after I insert the H1 tag is highlight the heading and then change the font to a smaller font. That seems to work. It could also depend on the theme you are using as well.
I never thought about reducing the font size for the headers. Great tip. I typically didn’t like how my posts looked when following all of the directions. H1 is just too big sometimes. I used this a lot but recently stopped using it because I heard that it caused some significant problems. It’s all anecdotal (therefore don’t take my word for it), but I’ve used it so much that I now pretty much know what I need to do for every post/page.
It’s a great idea if you use outsourcers too :)
WordPress kind of sucks for adding header tags. I simply pop into the HTML view, write “<H1>My Header Text</>” and then go back to the WYSIWYG view. Simple and effective.
Oops, that should have been “<H1>My Header Text</H1>” obviously.
Hi Craig,I use this way too at first time, but it’s doesn’t work :(
I will try the Paula suggest then…thanks for both of you any way ^_^
greatest plugin thank you for the info :)
I can see this plugin would be particularly useful for product pages. I like the idea that it can be used just on specific pages. I’ll check it out.
Thanks for the post.
I like it. It’s just a quick and simple way of optimizing pages. I’m all for simplifying things when it comes to this business and this fits the bill for me.
I can’t wait to get it! So I’m assuming this can be added to an existing page/post? So if I use it on one of my sites now it will work or no?
Yes definitely. We’ve added it to old sites and they work on old pages and new pages. It’s up to you which pages you want it to work on.
Hi all
This plugin looks great! What is the best wordpress theme I can use with this for creating affiliate sites? Many of the themes I have tried does not use the H1,H2,H3 tags correctly… Does SEOpressor automatically make the changes to the H tags for you?
We use the Flexsqueeze theme for most of our sites. As the name suggests, it’s pretty flexible in that you can change just about anything in the theme without having to use the theme editor. Simple and easy.
SEOPressor doesn’t automatically change the header tags. You will need to change those yourself. When you change the header tags try also changing the font size at the same time.
Thanks for the review of this plugin. I really appreciate how you advise us NOT to get carried away by SEO details, but that we should do the simple things that will help us get better rankings. It’s all about balance.
By the way, how do you change font sizes in wordpress? (without using h1, h2 tags?)
We actually use a plugin called TinyMCE Advanced which has a lot of different options one of which is font size so you can use that plugin.
I haven’t done extensive tests on this plugin yet but I think it works great. In my small tests I’ve seen my page jump a little.
I notice you are using the plugin on this page for “SEOPressor Plugin”
We are actually using it for the keyword ‘SEOPressor’. I initially typed in ‘SEOPressor plugin’ but decided on ‘SEOPressor’ instead.
Thank you so much for the great post. It is really great advice. I’m going to look at that plugin right away.
Interesting plug-in, but I think we should write the best for our readers.. not always we need a H3 tag or italic text nor underlined text. In my experience, highlighting keywords for the sake of doing it makes the text look unnatural. Again, we should write for our readers not for the machines. I have never had problems with this. Either SEOPressor worth a try for testing purposes.
I couldn’t have said it better myself Daniel. We should always think of our readers first.
Hi Paula,
This is a cool plugin. I purchased it w it was releases. It is just a matter of days when you can just learn how to construct your posts without it.
But, anyway, for somebody who do not know anything about SEO, this is cool thing to have.
Kind regards,
Yes it’s a good training tool in that respect. After a while you can make the changes automatically without even using the plugin.
Hi Paula,
I am using Scribe, but I do heard about the SEOProcessor thing. Hmm…
which one is better?
Scribe looks good to me but not sure the power of it yet, since i just started using it :D
I just took a look at it and it looks very similar plus it’s free which is a bonus. Here is the link if anyone wants to try it:
actually i got the paid version, not sure the diff though :P
and scribe recommends density of 5.5% instead of general rule of thumbs 1 – 4%
I bought this seo plugin as I’m all for making my work more streamlined. It’s so much quicker to see the report of your page/posts and make the relevant changes then trying to scrutinize your posts. However, one thing that the plugin doesn’t report on is that the title you enter for your post is actually captured on your webpage in H1 tags, yet the report will say that you don’t your keyword in an H1 tag.
A workaround is to add your title of the post into the body between H1 tags to see what score the report gives you, but it’s a bit cumbersome.
It didn’t occur to me that WordPress automatically puts the h1 tag around the title. So yes, it is a bit redundant to add that as part of the plugin.
Hi Paula And Wanda
This is a great idea, thank-you for mentioning that you use it.
I recently installed a similar plugin to this on my WordPress blogs, ClickbumpSEO which sounds quite similar to this.
ClickbumpSEO seems to perform all the same functions as Seopressor but also has a facility to search for LSI (latent semantic indexing) keywords related to your main keyword so you can write more naturally instead of putting your main keyword in all the time, which is good for Google apparently.
I had used Web Content Studio for the LSI info but don’t think I’ll be needing it so much with this plugin.
I have bought a few of Scott’s products and his customer service is great. He updates regularly and is friendly.
It seems like there are quite a few plugins that do this job. The LSI sounds like a great feature. I think we tend to focus on keywords just a little too much in this industry so being able to write a more natural article is definitely a good thing.
I’ve been using seopressor for a couple of weeks now and whilst the articles do well, the main site listing has dissapeared form gooles first pages where it was before. I also run platinum seo, could they interfere with one another?
Not sure Martin. I’ve never tried Platinum SEO. However, I wouldn’t think that Google would penalize a site because of a plugin but who knows what Google is up to.